Written answers

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Electric Vehicles

Photo of Niamh SmythNiamh Smyth (Cavan-Monaghan, Fianna Fail)
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27. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the incentives or alternatives he is examining to combat the slowing down of sales of electric cars and the poor trade in and sale prices for electric cars. [28469/24]

Photo of Eamon RyanEamon Ryan (Dublin Bay South, Green Party)
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The current target for EV uptake in Ireland is set out in the Climate Action Plan and is defined as 30% of the private vehicle fleet being zero emission by 2030, with a supplementary target of 195,000 EVs (both BEV and PHEV) on the road by end of 2025.

The EV target is the single biggest mitigation action within the transport sector of CAP, and indeed, one of the two biggest mitigation actions in the CAP in total, and its achievement is therefore a strong lever in meeting carbon emission reductions targets for the transport sector.

EV uptake to end 2023 was very positive with an average increase of month-on-month registrations. Since the start of 2024 however the overall uptake has reduced with trends showing a still reasonable but slower uptake of EVs. It should be noted that this issue is not exclusive to Ireland, with international markets showing similar trends.

While no specific single cause has emerged as the cause of a slowdown in uptake of EVS, misinformation about EV performance, uncertainty about charging infrastructure and rapid changes to the market and perceived value of EVs due to an increase of brand and model availability are regularly highlighted as contributing factors.

The Government is committed to supporting the transition to EVs through the continuation of vehicle incentives such as the purchase grant for battery electric vehicles (BEVs), home and apartment charging schemes, benefit-in-kind tax relief, VRT relief of up to €5,000 and a low rate of annual motor tax.

The government has put in place a comprehensive suite of incentives to encourage uptake of EVs:

  • A purchase grant for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) of up to €3,500;
  • A Home Charger purchase grant scheme - up to €300;
  • VRT relief of up to €5,000 for the purchase of BEVs;
  • Benefit-in-Kind tax relief for battery electric vehicles;
  • eSPSV grant scheme – a grant to enable taxi drivers to apply for an EV or a wheelchair accessible EV
  • ZEHDV grant scheme – a grant scheme for HDVs to bridge the gap between a low emission vehicle and a fossil fuel vehicle; and
  • Low rate of annual motor tax.
The Department of Transport will seek to maintain these and related incentives for as long as appropriate and practical, working with the Department of Finance on taxation matters and other stakeholders as necessary.

Additionally, ZEVI has recently published a suite of new plans and incentives to increase the rollout of more public charging infrastructure, is working to create a regulatory and policy environment to encourage EV sales and the rollout of that infrastructure, and is also engaging in an extensive and adaptive communications programme with stakeholders across both industry and with consumers.

ZEVI is continuously examining alternative or evolved incentives to encourage our transition towards EVs and the Government will consider any viable and proportionate action proposed.

Photo of Richard BrutonRichard Bruton (Dublin Bay North, Fine Gael)
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28. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the progress to date on the regional and local EV infrastructure network plan’s public consultation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28619/24]

Photo of Eamon RyanEamon Ryan (Dublin Bay South, Green Party)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The Government is fully committed to supporting a significant expansion and modernisation of the electric vehicle (EV) charging network over the coming years. Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI) is an Office within the Department of Transport, established in July 2022 to lead EV policy including vehicle supports and infrastructure planning and delivery.

The Draft Regional and Local EV Charging Network Plan, published for public consultation in May 2024, is the second element of the National EV Charging Network Plan.

The plan provides a pathway for the accelerated delivery of regional and local networks of public EV charging infrastructure in cities, towns and villages across Ireland, in line with both national and European ambitions for cleaner transportation.

The draft Regional and Local EV Charging Network Plan will be led by Local Authorities. Local Authorities are ideally suited to accelerate the delivery of charging infrastructure at the local level that is financially sustainable and best ensures equitable access for all.

ZEVI have been engaging extensively with Local Authorities and will provide funding and guidance to them for developing their strategies and subsequent implementation plans.

These strategies will identify areas without off street charging capabilities and identify solutions which may include off street community chargers, Shared Charging facilities, and/or use of local Rapid Destination Chargers or Hubs.

Submissions will close on 19th July 2024 and responses will be reviewed by ZEVI on completion of the consultation.

The key themes emerging from the public’s responses will be carefully considered in the final document. It is expected that the Plan will be published on the Government’s website in late 2024.


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