Written answers

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Department of Justice and Equality

Departmental Data

Photo of Darren O'RourkeDarren O'Rourke (Meath East, Sinn Fein)
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357. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the number of community safety wardens appointed so far for Dublin city; and the number she believes will be the full complement. [20267/24]

Photo of Helen McEnteeHelen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
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As the Deputy may be aware, my Department established the Community Safety Innovation Fund in 2021. The fund uses the money seized by An Garda Síochána and the Criminal Assets Bureau as the proceeds of crime to fund new, innovative community safety projects. The fund increased from €2 million in 2022 to €3 million last year and I was delighted to see it increase again to €3.75 million in Budget 2024. 22 successful projects received funding in 2022 and a further 30 projects received funding in 2023.

Under the Community Safety Innovation Fund 2022, the Dublin Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) Pilot received €150,000 funding for the Dublin North Inner City Community Safety Warden Scheme, which included a staffing allocation of two full time and one part time staff members.

Dublin LCSP are operating the scheme in the Wolfe Tone Square area in collaboration with Dublin Town and Dublin City Council. There are currently two full time Community Safety Wardens (CSWs) employed by the scheme. The project aims to promote a pro-social space for recreation in Wolfe Tone Park and the surrounding area, provide a visible presence within the community and reassure elderly and vulnerable members of the community, as well as acting as a clear channel to signpost vulnerable people away from harmful activity.

The CSW Scheme has proved to be very successful to date and has had a positive impact on the lives of those living and working in, and visiting the community of Wolfe Tone Square and the surrounding area.


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