Written answers

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Fishing Industry

Photo of Pádraig Mac LochlainnPádraig Mac Lochlainn (Donegal, Sinn Fein)
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417. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he is aware of the serious concerns in the fishing industry regarding the limitations of the voluntary permanent cessation scheme; and if he will urgently establish the amount of unspent money within the Brexit Adjustment Reserve Fund for Ireland and seek permission from the European Commission to reallocate this to persons who have lost their livelihoods as part of a fair and reasonable decommissioning scheme. [7808/23]

Photo of Charlie McConalogueCharlie McConalogue (Donegal, Fianna Fail)
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As the Deputy is aware, the Brexit Voluntary Permanent Cessation Scheme was developed based on a specification and methodology recommended by the Seafood Task Force in its October 2021 report. In developing this recommendation, the Task Force, which included Producer Organisations and representatives of the fishing sector, took into account relevant EU guidelines and regulations concerning permanent cessation and the use of Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) funding.

I am aware that since offers were made to eligible scheme applicants in late 2022, there have been a number of queries concerning terms which were included in the published 2021 Task Force report and which were subsequently and necessarily included in the scheme itself.

In respect of individual cases, it is the nature of the scheme that all of these final offers are different and are based on the specifics of each vessel and their fishing activity. The individual offers are formal contractual offers from the State, through BIM, to each individual and it is solely for each individual to consider their specific offer. I would encourage any fisher who has been issued an offer to assess it with their professional advisors and in the context of the tax benefits which were introduced to accompany the scheme. Any queries an individual may have in relation to their specific offer may be directed to BIM.

Those who have accepted offers and go through the decommissioning process will receive payment in line with the terms and conditions established by the Task Force and approved by the EU Commission, and out of the already increased scheme budget which I sought and secured.

As is clear from the terms of BAR funding, as established by the BAR Regulation, all applicants who wish to participate in the scheme, must be fully decommissioned and paid during 2023. There is no provision in the regulation for flexibility in this time frame. As such the Voluntary Permanent Cessation Scheme as published, the transparent details as published to all stakeholders by BIM, and the scheme as considered and applied for applicants is the finalised scheme.


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