Written answers

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Electric Vehicles

Photo of Patricia RyanPatricia Ryan (Kildare South, Sinn Fein)
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190. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will incentivise the retrofitting of internal combustion engine vehicles to include battery and other electric propulsion technology; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48134/22]

Photo of Eamon RyanEamon Ryan (Dublin Bay South, Green Party)
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Providing a sustainable, low-carbon transport system is a key priority of my Department. The Programme for Government commits to 7% average annual emissions reduction to 2030; ultimately, the goal is for a zero-emission mobility system by 2050. Electrification will be key to achieving this objective in the transport sector.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the most prominent transport mitigation measure in the  Climate Action Plan and Ireland has set an ambitious target of 945,000 EVs on our roads by 2030. This target is challenging but indicates the scale of the transformation that is needed across all sectors if Ireland is to achieve its climate targets in the coming years.

I am aware of initiatives to retrofit internal combustion engine cars to electric vehicles, and have asked my officials to give the matter active consideration. Innovations that provide reliable solutions for people willing to transition to electric vehicles are to be welcomed, particularly if they provide options for people who might be unable to purchase a new vehicle. At present, the Department is advised that this initiative is yet not commercially viable at scale but we are keeping this technology under review.


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