Written answers
Tuesday, 5 July 2022
Department of Justice and Equality
An Garda Síochána
Christopher O'Sullivan (Cork South West, Fianna Fail)
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18. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the number of gardaí in the Clonakilty, Bandon and Bantry Garda districts at the end of June 2022, or the latest date available; the number of gardaí in each district at the end of 2020; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [35915/22]
Helen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
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As the Deputy will be aware, in accordance with the Garda Síochána Act 2005 (as amended), the Garda Commissioner is responsible for the management and administration of An Garda Síochána. This includes responsibility for the deployment of Garda members throughout the State. As Minister, I have no role in the matter.
I am assured that Garda management keeps the distribution of resources under continual review in the context of policing priorities and crime trends, to ensure their optimal use. I understand that it is a matter for the Divisional Chief Superintendent to determine the distribution of duties among the personnel available to them, having regard to the profile of each area within the Division and its specific needs.
The Government is committed to ensuring that An Garda Síochána has the resources it needs, with an unprecedented allocation provided in Budget 2022 of over €2 billion. The Deputy may be aware that there was a very strong interest in the recent Garda recruitment campaign, with over 11,000 people applying to become a member. The recruitment process is continuing to identify candidates to enter the Garda College over the coming period.
I am advised by the Garda authorities that on 31 May 2022, the latest date for which figures are available, there were 64 members assigned to the Clonakilty district, 103 assigned to the Bandon district, and 53 assigned to the Bantry district. This represents an increase of almost 7%, 1% and 10% respectively when compared to 30 June 2016 when there were 60 members assigned to the Clonakilty district, 102 assigned to the Bandon district, and 48 assigned to the Bantry district.
At the end of 2020, there were 72 assigned to Clonakilty, 107 assigned to Bandon and 54 assigned to Bantry.
As the Deputy will appreciate, Garda numbers nationwide can be affected by a number of factors, including retirements, medical discharges and resignations. The impact of policing measures and other steps to support the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic has also had an exceptional impact across the country over the past two years.
For the Deputy's information, detailed statistics on Garda workforce numbers are published on my Department's website and updated on a monthly basis.
Dara Calleary (Mayo, Fianna Fail)
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19. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the number of gardaí in County Mayo at the end of June 2022, or the latest date available; the number of gardaí in County Mayo at the end of 2020; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [35738/22]
Helen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
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As the Deputy will be aware, in accordance with the Garda Síochána Act 2005 (as amended), the Garda Commissioner is responsible for the management and administration of An Garda Síochána. This includes responsibility for the deployment of Garda members throughout the State. As Minister, I have no role in the matter.
I am assured that Garda management keeps the distribution of resources under continual review in the context of policing priorities and crime trends, to ensure their optimal use. I understand that it is a matter for the Divisional Chief Superintendent to determine the distribution of duties among the personnel available to them, having regard to the profile of each area within the Division and its specific needs.
The Government is committed to ensuring that An Garda Síochána has the resources it needs, with an unprecedented allocation provided in Budget 2022 of over €2 billion. The Deputy may be aware that there was a very strong interest in the recent Garda recruitment campaign, with over 11,000 people applying to become a member. The recruitment process is continuing to identify candidates to enter the Garda College over the coming period.
I am advised by the Garda authorities that on 31 May 2022, the latest date for which figures are available, there were 322 Garda members assigned to the Mayo Division. This represents an increase of over 7% since the end of 2016, when there were 300 Garda members assigned to the Division. At the end of 2020, there were 343 members assigned to the Mayo Division.
As the Deputy will appreciate, Garda numbers nationwide can be affected by a number of factors, including retirements, medical discharges and resignations. The impact of policing measures and other steps to support the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic has also had an exceptional impact across the country over the past two years.
For the Deputy's information, detailed statistics on Garda workforce numbers are published on my Department's website and updated on a monthly basis.
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