Written answers

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Social Welfare Benefits

Photo of Claire KerraneClaire Kerrane (Roscommon-Galway, Sinn Fein)
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511. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the number of recipients across all social assistance and social insurance payments, by payment type, as of February 2021, in tabular form. [9146/22]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The information requested is set out in the following table. The table outlines the breakdown of recipients by payment type for the main Department of Social Protection schemes, which were available, as of the end of February 2021.

Recipients by Payment Type (February 2021)

Scheme Cheque Bank Transfer (EFT) Post Office (EIT) Total
Adoptive Benefit 0 7 0 7
Back To Education Allowance 2 5,531 464 5,997
Back To Work Enterprise Allowance 1 2,577 7 2,585
Carer's Allowance 15 56,520 32,739 89,274
Carer's Benefit 0 3,314 368 3,682
Child Benefit 0 530,350 105,660 636,010
Community Employment Programme 0 19,328 0 19,328
Disability Allowance 2 90,665 62,617 153,284
Disablement Benefit 1,413 13,376 664 15,453
Farm Assist 15 3,487 1,901 5,403
Health and Safety Benefit 0 26 0 26
Illness Benefit 2,948 45,013 1,178 49,139
Injury Benefit 75 780 8 863
Invalidity Pension 20 48,995 10,323 59,338
Job Initiative 0 546 0 546
Jobseeker's Allowance 1,435 58,235 80,698 140,368
Jobseeker's Benefit 765 32,603 2,531 35,899
Maternity Benefit 38 19,595 0 19,633
One Parent Family Payment 3 22,217 16,970 39,190
Partial Capacity Benefit 16 3,169 19 3,204
Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme 2 147 31 180
Paternity Benefit 13 588 0 601
Rural Social Scheme 0 3,045 0 3,045
State Pension (Contributory) 253 337,976 113,130 451,359
State Pension (Non-Contributory) 13 44,810 50,210 95,033
Supplementary Welfare Allowance 326 3,274 7,140 10,740
Tús - Community Work Placement Scheme 0 3,967 0 3,967
Widow/er's or Surviving Civil Partner's Contributory Pension 32 77,432 45,499 122,963
Working Family Payment 0 46,517 171 46,688

Photo of Claire KerraneClaire Kerrane (Roscommon-Galway, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

512. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the number of recipients across jobseeker’s benefit and related schemes as of February 2021; and the number of days that recipients been receiving payment, per scheme, in tabular form. [9147/22]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The information requested is set out in the following table, which outlines the recipient numbers for Jobseeker's Benefit related schemes, as of the end of February 2021, broken down by the average duration on each of these schemes.

Scheme Recipients Average Duration (Days)
Jobseeker's Benefit 17,986 125
Jobseeker's Benefit - Casual 12,281 198
Systematic Short Time Workers 3,320 148
Over 65's 2,312 201
TOTAL 35,899

Photo of Brendan GriffinBrendan Griffin (Kerry, Fine Gael)
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513. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if a decision has been made on an application for a benefit payment by a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9185/22]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

Benefit Payment for 65 Year Old's is a payment for people aged between 65 and 66 years who have ceased employment or self-employment. '

In order to be eligible for Benefit Payment for 65 Year Old's a person must satisfy all the conditions for the payment:

- Be aged between 65 and 66 years

- Have ceased employment or self-employment

- Be resident in the Republic of Ireland

- Satisfy the contribution conditions

In terms of the contribution conditions a person must have 39 contributions paid or credited in the year governing their claim; in this case the Governing Year is 2020.

If this condition is not satisfied a person must have 26 paid contributions in both the Governing Year (2020) and the year before (2019).

The person concerned has no recorded contributions in 2019 and 28 A contributions in 2020

Therefore, the person concerned does not satisfy the contribution conditions and thus does not qualify for this payment.A decision letter to this effect has been issued to her on the 16/02/2022.


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