Written answers
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Department of Justice and Equality
Penal Policy Review Group
Patrick Costello (Dublin South Central, Green Party)
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168. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality her plans to publish the eighth report of the implementation oversight group relating to the implementation of Penal Policy Review Group recommendations. [25793/20]
Helen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
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Penal reform is a priority issue for me as the Minister for Justice and Equality and is reflected in the current Programme for Government.
As the Deputy may be aware, the Implementation Oversight Group chaired by Professor Mary Rogan was set up in 2015 to drive and monitor implementation of the 43 recommendations of the Penal Policy Review Group and since that time, the group has published seven bi-annual progress reports. As part of the Programme for Government I have committed to reviewing the progress made on penal reform to date with a view to identifying further policy options for prison and penal reform.
To that end, a review is underway within my Department to examine the progress made since the Penal Policy Review Group. This review is also examining the recommendations made by the Joint Justice and Equality Oireachtas Committee in their 2018 report on Penal Reform and Sentencing. The Deputy will wish to note that the eighth report of the Implementation Oversight Group will be published in conjunction with the current review on progress in penal reform and that it is my intention to publish both before the end of this year.
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