Written answers

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Department of Health

Prescription Charges

Photo of Róisín ShortallRóisín Shortall (Dublin North West, Social Democrats)
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120. To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 412 of 27 January 2015, the status of the anomalous situation which results in medical card holders on mixed dosage medication being charged for each millilitre size as an individual item; his plans to address this problem; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [43072/15]

Photo of Kathleen LynchKathleen Lynch (Cork North Central, Labour)
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Medical card holders are required to pay a €2.50 charge per item for medicines and other prescription items supplied to them by community pharmacists, subject to a cap of €25 per month for each person or family.

Where a prescribed drug or medicine is required to be dispensed in different strengths and different containers, and therefore claimed as more than one item, a prescription charge applies to each claimed strength of the product.

I have asked the HSE to examine this matter to see whether a practical solution can be found in respect of the issue raised by the Deputy.


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