Written answers

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Department of Health

Hospital Accommodation

5:00 am

Photo of Bernard DurkanBernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael)
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Question 14: To ask the Minister for Health the extent to which the bed complement available to the Health Service Executive in each region throughout the country; the extent to which the beds available have been adequate to meet requirements based on bed occupancy in each of the past three years to date in 2011; the extent to which the relevant support staff has been available at the same locations throughout this period; the extent of any discussions he has had or intends to have with the HSE with a view to ensuring the provision of the full complement of services to meet current or anticipated demand; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17875/11]

Photo of James ReillyJames Reilly (Dublin North, Fine Gael)
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The HSE National Service Plan 2011 which was approved in December 2010 requires the HSE to operate within the limits of its Voted allocation of €13.456 billion. This represents a net reduction of €683m on the 2010 provision. The HSE National Service Plan also commits the HSE to delivering service levels for 2011 which are broadly in line with 2010 levels.

Activity in acute hospitals has been increasing year on year. The most important priority is to drive out costs by relentlessly challenging practices which affect efficiency. I have made it clear to hospitals that they must increase the proportion of day case work, reduce the average length of stay and perform surgery on the patient's day of admission to the greatest extent possible. There is clear evidence of major variations in performance under these headings across the system. This means we are not getting the best value for patients and the taxpayer from the beds we have. I want to shift the debate away from beds to focus on the actual number of patients treated and on achieving equitable access to services based on need. The services should be provided in the most appropriate place, be that a big or small hospital, the community or a GP's surgery. I want to see a health system that is providing a service quickly, efficiently and safely.

I am determined to address the issues which cause unacceptable delays in patients receiving treatment in our hospitals. In this regard I have established the Special Delivery Unit (SDU), which will work to unblock access to acute services by dramatically improving the flow of patients through the system, and by streamlining waiting lists, including referrals from GPs.


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