Written answers

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Department of Education and Skills

School Curriculum

6:00 pm

Photo of Robert DowdsRobert Dowds (Dublin Mid West, Labour)
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Question 86: To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to introduce a leaving certificate course on political science, philosophy, ethics or social studies or any combination of these subjects; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [16922/11]

Photo of Ruairi QuinnRuairi Quinn (Dublin South East, Labour)
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Civic, social and political education is a mandatory part of the Junior Certificate programme and is supported by resources and professional development for teachers. It includes a key focus on the concepts of democracy, human dignity, rights and responsibilities, law, development, interdependence and stewardship. A syllabus for Politics and Society as a new subject in the Leaving Certificate was submitted to my Department by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in May 2011. The implementation issues are being examined at present in the context of overall system priorities and resources.

Social, personal and health education (SPHE) is also a mandatory subject in junior cycle, and includes a strong focus on personal development, social skills, relationships and sexuality education, decision-making, healthy lifestyles and promoting positive mental health. A curriculum framework for SPHE as a senior cycle subject was submitted by the NCCA to my Department in mid 2008. However, the Department is not in a position to proceed with implementation in the current budgetary climate. The priority in this area is to continue to enhance the implementation of SPHE at junior cycle and to ensure that all schools implement the Relationships and Sexuality Education programme which is already required in senior cycle.

Social Studies is also an integral part of the Home Economics (Social and Scientific) syllabus in junior and senior cycle.


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