Written answers

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Department of Social and Family Affairs

Social Welfare Benefits

5:00 pm

Photo of Phil HoganPhil Hogan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fine Gael)
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Question 11: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs her plans to review the mortgage interest supplement scheme; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9178/09]

Photo of Mary HanafinMary Hanafin (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)
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The mortgage interest supplement scheme is designed to help those who have difficulty meeting their mortgage repayment schedule where their means are insufficient to meet their needs. The scheme provides a short-term "safety net" within the overall social welfare scheme to ensure that people do not suffer hardship due to loss of employment.

A supplement may be paid in respect of mortgage interest only to eligible people who are unable to meet their mortgage interest repayments in respect of a house which is their sole place of residence.

There are currently over 9,800 people in receipt of mortgage interest supplement, an increase of almost 5,700 (138%) over the number in payment at end 2007.

The assessment for the existing mortgage interest supplement scheme provides for a gradual withdrawal of payment as hours of employment or earnings increase. Those availing of part-time employment and/or training opportunities can continue to receive mortgage interest supplement subject to their satisfying the standard means assessment rules. In view of the current economic environment, the Department has commenced a review of the administration of the mortgage interest supplement scheme. The main purpose of the review is to consider how the mortgage interest supplement scheme can best meet its objective of catering for those who require assistance on a short-term basis, where they are unable to meet mortgage interest repayments on their sole place of residence. Legislative and operational issues arising in the existing mortgage interest scheme, including the cap on hours of employment, are also being examined.

The mortgage interest supplement scheme is administered by the community welfare service of the Health Service Executive on behalf of the department. The operational arrangements for the processing of applications and the payment to qualifying individuals, is a matter for the respective community welfare division areas.

I understand that the HSE is currently reviewing the allocation of staff currently engaged on the delivery of the supplementary welfare allowance scheme, including mortgage interest supplement.

The question of any increase in expenditure for staffing within the community welfare service above that currently provided would have to be considered in the context of overall Government policy on public service manpower levels.


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