Written answers

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Department of Health and Children

Departmental Staff

9:00 pm

Photo of Joe CareyJoe Carey (Clare, Fine Gael)
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Question 255: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the amount paid in bonuses to anyone under the jurisdiction of her Department for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [37361/08]

Photo of Mary HarneyMary Harney (Dublin Mid West, Progressive Democrats)
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The following is the position in relation to my Department. The Performance Related Awards Scheme (PRA) was introduced following a decision by the Government on the implementation of the Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector. Performance awards are made by my Department under the PRA to Deputy and Assistant Secretaries and equivalent grades. The operation of the scheme is overseen by the Committee for Performance Awards (CPA) and its latest report (2007), detailing the background and operation of the scheme, is available at htttp://www.finance.gov.ie/documents/publications/reports/2008/cpareport07final.pdf. At the end of a review period (year end) the Secretary General assesses the performance of each officer against the agreed objectives and makes a recommendation to the CPA in relation to payment of an award.

In addition an Exceptional Performance Award scheme is open to staff at Principal Officer level and below. The information requested by the Deputy, relating to staff in my Department, under the schemes mentioned above, is set out in the following table.

YearPerformance Related AwardExceptional Performance (Individual)Exceptional Performance (Group)
2007123,000No awards madeNo awards made
2008*Scheme under reviewScheme under review
*The awards for 2008 will not be made until after year end.

The following is the position in relation to bodies under the jurisdiction of my Department. Performance related award schemes are currently in operation in respect of chief executive officer posts in five non-commercial state sponsored bodies under the auspices of my Department, senior management grades in the Health Service Executive, the chief executive officers and deputy chief executive officers in the Dublin Area Teaching Hospitals and the chief executive officers of the voluntary hospitals. The awards made to eligible individuals are solely a matter for the Board of the particular agency, and must be in accordance with the principles set out by the Review Body. In this regard, awards should be related to the achievement of highly demanding and challenging targets and stretched objectives which are difficult, but not impossible, to achieve. These targets should be set beyond what is seen as the normal ongoing requirements of the job.

A total of €1.42 million in 2006 and €1.67 million in 2007 was awarded to those eligible to participate in the scheme. The scheme provides for the payment of awards after the year end, when it has been demonstrated that the prior agreed stretched objectives have been met. Accordingly, and as is the case with the scheme operated within my Department, no awards have yet been made in respect of 2008. The chief executive officer of the Health Service Executive is eligible, under his contract of employment, for an annual bonus of up to 25% of his basic salary. In accordance with normal governance arrangements, the HSE Board's Remuneration and Organisation Committee is responsible for the operation of the CEO's bonus. The CEO received €80,000 in relation to 2006. I understand from the HSE, that the award for the CEO in relation to 2007 is still under consideration by the Board of the HSE. The award in relation to 2008 will be considered by the Board in 2009.

In addition to the above, a performance related pay scheme for Directors of Nursing Band 1 Hospitals and Directors of Nursing Mental Health Services is also in operation. Total payments made under this particular scheme amounted to €341,232 in respect of 2006 and €348,596 in respect of 2007.


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