Written answers

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism

Museum Opening Hours

5:00 pm

Photo of Róisín ShortallRóisín Shortall (Dublin North West, Labour)
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Question 61: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the progress he has made towards introducing much more flexible and extended opening times at national museums and galleries; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25789/07]

Photo of Séamus BrennanSéamus Brennan (Dublin South, Fianna Fail)
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I am strongly of the view that there is a need to move away from traditional opening times and to establish a degree of flexibility that reflects changed lifestyles and use of leisure time for those who wish to visit the National Cultural Institutions, particularly museums and galleries.

On 14 September 2007, I announced plans to have later and more flexible opening hours in National Museums, Galleries and Libraries examined. Accordingly, I have instructed officials in my Department to examine how best we can put longer and more flexible opening hours on a more permanent footing. Discussions have commenced with the National Cultural Institutions on this matter. There is a commitment in the Action Plans of the relevant National Cultural Institutions in the context of 'Towards 2016' in respect of extended opening hours.

The National Gallery of Ireland and the Irish Museum of Modern Art have both gone some way towards recognition of changed use of leisure time by, in the case of the Gallery: opening seven days a week and more than 360 days a year and providing late opening on Thursdays until 8.30 p.m. In July and August 2007, the Irish Museum of Modern Art extended its opening hours on Thursdays till 8.30 p.m.

In addition, during Culture Night 2007, which took place on 14 September, the National Cultural Institutions extended their opening hours until 10.00 p.m. The National Gallery remained open until 11.00 p.m. My Department provided €35,000 towards Culture Night, 2007 and €15,000 towards a similar event in 2006. Culture Night is modelled on a similar event in some of the major European cities.

Discussions with the relevant Institutions and with the Council of National Cultural Institutions (CNCI) have commenced at official level to determine how best to accommodate extended opening hours and any likely costs that may be associated with such extensions.


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