Written answers

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Department of Health and Children

Suicide Incidence

10:00 pm

Photo of Finian McGrathFinian McGrath (Dublin North Central, Independent)
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Question 297: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will investigate the statistic that over 30% of teenage suicides are committed by gays and lesbians and that one of every three transgenders commits suicide; and if she will draw up an action plan to assist these people. [19908/07]

Photo of Jimmy DevinsJimmy Devins (Sligo-North Leitrim, Fianna Fail)
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Mortality data, including principal causes of death, is collected by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) through the death registration system. Data on the sexual orientation of the deceased is not recorded by the CSO. I am not aware of the basis for the statistic quoted by the Deputy.

"Reach Out" — the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention, which was published in September 2005, recommends the development of supports and information / education resources to improve mental health and well-being and reduce any increased risk of suicidal behaviour among marginalised groups.

The National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) was established by the Health Service Executive to oversee the implementation of the strategy and to coordinate suicide prevention activities across the State, consult widely in relation to the planning of future initiatives and ensure best practice in suicide prevention.

The NOSP has provided funding to the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) to determine the risk of suicidal behaviour and mental health needs of the gay and lesbian community. NOSP also provides funding to BelongTo Youth Project, a national gay lesbian youth organisation, to fund a suicide prevention project worker.


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