Written answers

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Department of Finance

Departmental Studies

5:00 pm

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Independent)
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Question 100: To ask the Minister for Finance the progress that has been made in the development of a Liffey Valley Park; if funds have been earmarked for its development; if so, the amount of same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15704/07]

Tom Parlon (Laois-Offaly, Progressive Democrats)
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A Steering Group was formed to consider the feasibility of establishing a Liffey Valley Park as originally envisaged with the acquisition of St. Catherine's Park, Lucan. The Group comprised officials representing the County Councils of Fingal, Kildare, South Dublin and the Office of Public Works.

Within the current statutory and operational ambits of the relevant public authorities the Group examined management models, made an inventory of resources, and established a realisable vision for the concept and recommendations for implementation.

To assist the Steering Group in its deliberations a firm of specialist Consultants was engaged to carry-out a detailed feasibility study. The study was completed in late 2006 and made widely available. Recommendations include: an initial focus on publicly-owned property in a central section of the valley corridor; establishing an identity for and public awareness of the concept; better integration of the activities of the various public bodies; maintaining environmental quality and improving public access; and a 'launch programme' of demonstrative initiatives/projects.

While no central funds have been made available each public body may make progress from within existing resources.


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