Written answers

Tuesday, 21 February 2006

Department of Foreign Affairs

Decentralisation Programme

9:00 pm

Photo of Richard BrutonRichard Bruton (Dublin North Central, Fine Gael)
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Question 397: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the office or unit within his Department and associated unit that is due to be decentralised; the number of posts and staff in tabular form from each unit within his Department and associated agency who have chosen to decentralise with their parent organisation; and the number of people willing to move who have been assigned their new posts. [6669/06]

Photo of Dermot AhernDermot Ahern (Louth, Fianna Fail)
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Under the Government's decentralisation programme, the development co-operation directorate of the Department of Foreign Affairs, currently based in Dublin, will decentralise to Limerick. This is scheduled to take place during the first quarter of 2007 and will involve the relocation to Limerick of 124 posts.

Already, a total of 26 posts in the directorate, including that of director general, are filled by officers who have signalled their intention to decentralise to Limerick. In addition, there are 15 officers serving elsewhere in the Department, mostly abroad, who have also expressed an interest in decentralising to Limerick. These officers will be assigned to the directorate on a phased basis. This total of 41 represents some 33% of the posts being transferred to Limerick. The process of recruiting further staff for Limerick via the central applications facility is also being accelerated. The aim is that, by the second half of 2006, most posts in the directorate will be filled by staff who will decentralise to Limerick.

Information regarding assignments is provided in the following tabular statement, as requested by the Deputy.

Assignments to Development Co-operation Division for decentralisation
Number of staff from within the Department who have opted to decentralise with the Directorate and are currently in situ in DCD: 9
Assignments made to DCD from the Central Applications Facility (CAF): 11
Assignments made to DCD from confined competition promotion panels for decentralisation: 4
Recruited for decentralisation: 2
Total Assigned to DCD to date: 26
Officers currently serving elsewhere in the Department who will transfer to DCD to decentralise: 15
Total number of officers currently serving in the Department who have signalled their intention to decentralise to Limerick: 41


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