Seanad debates
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Nithe i dtosach suíonna - Commencement Matters
Recycling Policy
9:30 am
Paul Gavan (Sinn Fein)
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The Minister of State is very welcome, it is good to see him. As he knows, the return scheme was launched with much fanfare at the beginning of February. It is a scheme that was long overdue and was very much welcome. According to the return websites, the aims of the new recycling scheme are to achieve EU recycling targets protect our environment, reduce litter and waste and play a key role as a circular economy initiative. This is all very laudable. However, one additional result of this scheme, as currently configured, is to land those with disabilities with an unfair and regressive additional tax. I cannot for the life of me understand how this Government could have gone ahead with such a scheme without giving consideration to issues of disability.
If people are unable to travel to return these bottles to one of the big supermarkets that have installed these new vending machines, they are still liable to pay the tax on the bottle. The liability does not just apply to those with disabilities, but also to those without access to their own transport, especially those who are elderly and who no longer drive. I met a number of people when canvassing in Limerick last week who raised the unfairness of this new tax as it applies to them. I was particularly struck by the number of elderly people in rural areas who live miles away from these supermarkets and typically do their shopping in the local villages where they live.
I know the Government is going to say that the long-term plan is to install these machines in villages but, in the meantime, who is going to refund those on limited incomes who are currently funding the scheme because they are not able to return the bottles and cans? These people simply cannot access these return banks. When people are on a limited income consisting of a disability payment or a pension, they should not be taxed in this way, as they have no means of returning these bottles and cans.
We are fortunate to have inveterate campaigner for the rights of disabled, Leigh Gath, with us in the Chamber here today. Leigh lives in Pallaskenry. As the Minister of State will know, Pallaskenry has not had any supply of mainline water for well over a year now so everyone has to buy bottles. Leigh has been in contact with the office of the Minister of State, Deputy Ossian Smyth, and had been reassured that disability groups have been consulted on the drawing up of the scheme. She subsequently followed up with the Irish Wheelchair Association, which said it got one call saying it would have a follow-up, but that never happened. She also contacted the Disability Federation of Ireland, which had received no contact whatsoever.I find this extraordinary. We urgently need an explanation of this issue, especially because, if you are a wheelchair user, you are physically unable to reach up to the vending slots in these machines because they are placed too high up from the ground. That is an absolutely critical point.
In correspondence with the office of the Minister of State, Deputy Smyth, Ms Gath was told that larger supermarket groups had been consulted and had agreed to collect the empties. However, once notified of this, Tesco sent an email to all of its online customers informing them that this would not be happening. How could it happen? A monetary amount would have to be given by the driver to the homeowner as the homeowner would still not be able to get to the supermarket to get his or her refund. This would mean drivers having to carry cash, putting them at risk.
As Ireland is one of the last countries in the EU to have introduced these machines, you would have thought that we would have learnt from best practice. However, it is apparent that we have not. It is not difficult to find best practice. I have in my hand a document from Denmark published in March 2001, 23 years ago, setting out how best to cater for people with disabilities when setting up schemes such as this. The fact of the matter is that neither the research nor the consultation were done. No consideration was given to people with disabilities before this scheme was introduced. It is not just a matter of great embarrassment for the Minister of State's Government, but also a matter of shame.
I want to hear an urgent response from the Minister of State as to how this issue will be tackled. The current situation cannot be allowed to stand. There are possibilities through, for example, the creative use of Revenue and direct reimbursement. Local schemes to collect these bottles could be supported. However, there is nothing in place right now. There is best practice elsewhere. I can point to Germany or Sweden. I look forward to the Minister of State's response.
Niall Collins (Limerick County, Fianna Fail)
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The deposit return scheme, DRS, was introduced to incentivise more people to recycle plastic bottles and cans to help deliver on our ambitious EU targets for the recycling of these products. Under the single-use plastics directive, we are obliged to recycle 90% of our plastic bottles by 2029 with an interim target of 77% by the end of next year. The deposit return scheme will increase the quantity of bottles and cans being collected for recycling and will result in less going to landfill or incineration or becoming litter. The deposit return scheme was in development for several years prior to going live in February of this year. To inform the design of the scheme, the Department undertook two public consultations. The first was in October 2020 and the second was in April 2021. These provided all parties with an opportunity to submit their views to the Department on how the deposit return scheme should operate. Since its appointment as the deposit return scheme operator in July 2022, Re-Turn has also consulted widely with stakeholders to help them to prepare for the introduction of the scheme.
The scheme is a national infrastructure project which operates primarily on a return-to-retail model. Under the DRS regulations, retailers are required to charge customers a deposit for each bottle sold, to take back empty containers and to refund the deposit to customers. Retailers are also required to ensure that the take-back facility they provide on their premises is accessible for anyone wishing to return empty containers.
The DRS represents one of the biggest changes in consumer behaviour in decades. Consumer participation and inclusivity for all consumers is essential for a successful deposit return scheme. An extensive national communications campaign is under way to ensure that every member of the public is aware of and understands what the scheme is and how it operates. Individuals who have difficulties in returning bottles and cans to their local retailer should contact Re-turn directly. It will work with the local retail community to find the solution that works best for all involved. Re-Turn is committed to ensuring that all locations are accessible to consumers and is working closely with retailers to embed best practice, ensuring the system nationally is optimised as regards convenience and accessibility for all.
Paul Gavan (Sinn Fein)
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I know that the Minister of State is in the invidious position of reading out a statement and that this is not his direct responsibility but that statement is honestly appalling. The fact of the matter is that no one in a wheelchair can access these machines. That is a gaping chasm as a result of a failure to consult people with disabilities. The line the Minister of State has been given, that Re-Turn will work directly with the local retail community to find a solution, is nonsense. That is just not happening. There is nothing in place for people with disabilities. I have not even mentioned the fact that no consideration was given to people who are blind or visually impaired in this scheme. The fact of the matter is that best practice is there across Europe for anyone to see. I showed the Minister of State a document that is 23 years old at this point in time and would have told this Government how to go about this properly. It took Leigh Gath approximately ten minutes to find that document. This is a serious failure by the Government. I want to hear a response from the Minister of State. If possible, will he take two minutes at the end of these Commencement matters to speak to Leigh Gath, who has taken the time to come up from Pallaskenry this morning to raise this issue directly with the Government? I would really welcome it if he could do that.
Niall Collins (Limerick County, Fianna Fail)
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I have no problem speaking to Leigh Gath. As the Senator will know, she is a constituent of mine. I have spoken to her regularly previously. She did not contact me about this matter. I would be delighted to speak to her afterwards. Re-Turn continues to engage widely with all stakeholders and has committed to reviewing accessibility practices considering the needs of customers. There will be a review and this will include work with the National Disability Authority, which is supporting Re-Turn in the establishment of a consultative group to ensure the concerns of all parties, particularly those who have experienced difficulties in accessing the DRS and in returning bottles and cans, can be heard and addressed. It has been noticed and is going to be worked on. I understand that Re-Turn intends to convene the first meeting of this forum later in March and has invited a number of disability organisations to assist in a review of the scheme's infrastructure. Both the Department and Re-Turn will monitor the issue as the scheme builds momentum in the coming months.
Paul Gavan (Sinn Fein)
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That should have happened years before the scheme was introduced but I thank the Minister of State for his response.