Seanad debates

Thursday, 10 March 2005

11:00 am

Photo of Pat MoylanPat Moylan (Fianna Fail)

I support the point made by Senator Brennan on dangerous roads. I ask the Leader to contact the Minister for Transport on this issue and on road safety in general. There are many foreign registered cars and trucks speeding past any type of road. They seem to show no respect for speed limits. When caught by the speed cameras, they do not take responsibility and do not pay fines. Not all of these vehicles are from Northern Ireland, some are from other EU countries but are registered here.

In many car auctions around Ireland, old cars are sold that appear in reasonable condition. However, there are no controls on them. They can be put on the roads as soon as they are bought and there is no check for insurance or tax. That matter must be addressed and I urge the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to take it in hand.


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