Seanad debates

Thursday, 2 December 2004

11:00 am

Michael Brennan (Progressive Democrats)

I, too, spoke in this House on 20 October on the Detective Garda McCabe murder in Adare. We all appreciate the concerns and the matter of peace in our country. On that occasion I asked for clarification regarding a letter from the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in the previous Government to the McCabe family. As chairman of Limerick County Council I stood in Adare when many fine speeches and commitments were given as regards the killers of Detective Garda McCabe. While we deeply appreciate the peace initiatives and all the discussions that have taken place which have included so many people, it is hard to credit that there have been no talks with the McCabe family and Detective Garda Ben O'Sullivan, despite the commitments that such discussions would take place.

The commitment was given that the perpetrators did not qualify under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. In that regard the peace of our country is a separate issue. I call on the Taoiseach and the Government to hold discussions with the McCabe family and Detective Garda O'Sullivan at this late stage before a decision is made and to take their views into consideration.


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