Seanad debates

Wednesday, 19 November 2003

Stem Cell Research: Statements.


I wish to reiterate, once again, what we are discussing. We are speaking of embryos which are created for IVF. I understand that eight or 12 eggs are fertilised and, according to Senator Henry, two are inserted – I had understood the number to be three. The rest are frozen. If the two succeed and a child is born, the couple may decide to try again, using two further embryos. Perhaps, at the end of the process, there are four, six, eight or whatever number left. Under the Commission proposal, it would be a matter for those donors to decide whether to leave the embryo in its frozen state which, I understand, will no longer be viable after three to five years and, therefore, cannot be used for human life. In any event, it cannot become a human being unless it is implanted into the womb of a woman.


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