Seanad debates

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

  • Prelude (0 speeches)
    Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 2.30 p.m.
  • Business of Seanad (1 speech)
    I have received notice from Senator Ned O'Sullivan that on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today he proposes to raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for the...
  • Order of Business (75 speeches)
    The Order of Business is No. 1, motion re time limit for the Order of Business; No. 2, motion concerning US agreements on extradition and mutual legal assistance, the approval of the adoption by...
  • Allocation of Time: Motion (1 speech)
    I move: That the practice of calling the Leader of the House to reply to the Order of Business no later than 50 minutes after the proposal of the Order of Business shall be continued until the...
  • EU Council Decisions: Motion (1 speech)
    I move: That the proposal that Seanad Éireann approves the exercise by the State of the option or discretion provided by Article 1.11 of the Treaty of Amsterdam to take part in the adoption of...
  • Economic Situation: Statements (116 speeches)
    I welcome the Minister of State at the Department of Finance, Deputy Martin Mansergh.
  • Business of Seanad (3 speeches)
    I call on the Leader to make an amendment to the Order of Business.
  • Business of Seanad (1 speech)
    I apologise to Members and to the Cathaoirleach and his staff for the inconvenience caused by sitting so late. I did this in good faith as I understood the Credit Institutions (Financial...
  • Adjournment Matters (0 speeches)
  • County Development Plans (3 speeches)
    I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Noel Ahern, to the House. In this motion I refer to the County Mayo development plan which was adopted unanimously in County Mayo on 6 May. Subsequently...
  • Water Quality (2 speeches)
    I thank the Cathaoirleach for providing me with the opportunity to raise with the Minister of State this evening the matter of the recent problem in the town of Mallow, in which a public water...
  • Ferry Services (2 speeches)
    I wish to raise the issue of the Cork to Swansea ferry link as I am seriously concerned because we are now facing into a third year without this ferry service. I recall in 1989 that we were...