Seanad debates
Thursday, 3 July 2003
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 10.30 a.m.
- Business of Seanad. (1 speech)
I have received notice from Senator Bannon that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for Enterprise, Trade...
- Order of Business. (84 speeches)
The Order of Business today is as follows: No. 1, motion concerning the report of the Standards in Public Office Commission investigation into contraventions of section 21(1) of the Standards in...
- Standards in Public Office Commission: Motion. (1 speech)
I move:
- Treaty of Amsterdam: Motion. (1 speech)
I move: That Seanad Éireann approves the exercise by the State of the option provided by Article 3 of the fourth Protocol set out in the Treaty of Amsterdam, to notify the President of the...
- Electricity Regulation Act: Motion. (1 speech)
I move: That the proposal that Seanad Éireann approved the draft Order entitled:– Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (Eligible Customer) (Consumption of Electricity) Order, 2003, copies of which...
- Protection of the Environment Bill 2003 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] : Report and Final Stages. (16 speeches)
This is a Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil. In accordance with Standing Order 103, it is deemed to have passed its First, Second and Third Stages in the Seanad and is placed on the Order Paper...
- Immigration Bill 2002 [Seanad Bill amended by the Dáil] : Report and Final Stages. (23 speeches)
This is a Seanad Bill which has been amended by the Dáil. In accordance with Standing Order 103, it is deemed to have passed its First, Second and Third Stages in the Seanad and is placed on the...
- Adjournment Matters. - Plant Closure. (8 speeches)
I wish to share my time with Senators Feighan and Leyden.
- School Accommodation. (2 speeches)
Will the Minister of State ask the Minister for Education and Science to give us an update on the urgent need to provide extra school places in Lucan, particularly at primary level, for this...