Changes to the Register of Members' Interests
This section of the site lets you see how TDs' entries in the Register of Members' Interests have changed over time, either by TD, or for a particular issue of the Register.
So, either pick an issue to compare against the one previous:
2015 11 Mar | 2014 25 Mar | 2013 28 Feb
View a particular edition of the Register of Members' Interests:
2015 11 Mar | 2014 25 Mar | 2013 28 Feb | 2012 30 Mar
Or view the history of an member's entry in the Register:
- Gerry Adams
- James Bannon
- Richard Boyd Barrett
- Seán Barrett
- Tom Barry
- Pat Breen
- Tommy Broughan
- John Browne
- Richard Bruton
- Joan Burton
- Ray Butler
- Jerry Buttimer
- Catherine Byrne
- Eric Byrne
- Dara Calleary
- Ciarán Cannon
- Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin
- Joe Carey
- Paudie Coffey
- Áine Collins
- Joan Collins
- Niall Collins
- Michael Colreavy
- Michael Conaghan
- Seán Conlan
- Paul Connaughton
- Ciara Conway
- Noel Coonan
- Ruth Coppinger
- Joe Costello
- Simon Coveney
- Barry Cowen
- Michael Creed
- Lucinda Creighton
- Seán Crowe
- Éamon Ó Cuív
- Jim Daly
- Clare Daly
- John Deasy
- Jimmy Deenihan
- Pat Deering
- Pearse Doherty
- Regina Doherty
- Stephen Donnelly
- Paschal Donohoe
- Timmy Dooley
- Robert Dowds
- Andrew Doyle
- Bernard Durkan
- Dessie Ellis
- Damien English
- Alan Farrell
- Seán Ó Fearghaíl
- Frank Feighan
- Martin Ferris
- Anne Ferris
- Frances Fitzgerald
- Michael Fitzmaurice
- Peter Fitzpatrick
- Charles Flanagan
- Luke Flanagan
- Terence Flanagan
- Seán Fleming
- Tom Fleming
- Eamon Gilmore
- Noel Grealish
- Brendan Griffin
- John Halligan
- Dominic Hannigan
- Noel Harrington
- Simon Harris
- Brian Hayes
- Tom Hayes
- Séamus Healy
- Michael Healy-Rae
- Martin Heydon
- Joe Higgins
- Phil Hogan
- Brendan Howlin
- Kevin Humphreys
- Heather Humphreys
- Derek Keating
- Colm Keaveney
- Paul Kehoe
- Billy Kelleher
- Alan Kelly
- Marcella Corcoran Kennedy
- Enda Kenny
- Seán Kenny
- Séamus Kirk
- Michael Kitt
- Seán Kyne
- Anthony Lawlor
- Michael Lowry
- Ciarán Lynch
- Kathleen Lynch
- John Lyons
- Pádraig MacLochlainn
- Eamonn Maloney
- Micheál Martin
- Peter Mathews
- Michael McCarthy
- Charlie McConalogue
- Mary Lou McDonald
- Shane McEntee
- Helen McEntee
- Nicky McFadden
- Gabrielle McFadden
- Dinny McGinley
- Michael McGrath
- Mattie McGrath
- Finian McGrath
- John McGuinness
- Joe McHugh
- Sandra McLellan
- Tony McLoughlin
- Michael McNamara
- Olivia Mitchell
- Michael Moynihan
- Michelle Mulherin
- Paul Murphy
- Eoghan Murphy
- Catherine Murphy
- Dara Murphy
- Gerald Nash
- Denis Naughten
- Dan Neville
- Derek Nolan
- Michael Noonan
- Patrick Nulty
- Jonathan O'Brien
- Mary Mitchell O'Connor
- Willie O'Dea
- Kieran O'Donnell
- Patrick O'Donovan
- Fergus O'Dowd
- John O'Mahony
- Joe O'Reilly
- Maureen O'Sullivan
- Jan O'Sullivan
- Willie Penrose
- John Perry
- Ann Phelan
- John Paul Phelan
- Thomas Pringle
- Ruairi Quinn
- Pat Rabbitte
- James Reilly
- Michael Ring
- Shane Ross
- Brendan Ryan
- Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
- Alan Shatter
- Seán Sherlock
- Róisín Shortall
- Brendan Smith
- Aengus Ó Snodaigh
- Arthur Spring
- Emmet Stagg
- Brian Stanley
- David Stanton
- Billy Timmins
- Robert Troy
- Joanna Tuffy
- Liam Twomey
- Peadar Tóibín
- Leo Varadkar
- Jack Wall
- Mick Wallace
- Brian Walsh
- Alex White