Dáil debates
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
Other Questions.
Public Transport.
4:00 pm
Michael Ring (Mayo, Fine Gael)
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Question 55: To ask the Minister for Transport the date when he will proceed with reform of the bus market; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9085/06]
Seán Ryan (Dublin North, Labour)
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Question 58: To ask the Minister for Transport his response to the Dublin Bus submission of 20 January 2006 for funding for additional buses; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9189/06]
Ruairi Quinn (Dublin South East, Labour)
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Question 59: To ask the Minister for Transport if he has received the bus network review from Dublin Bus; and the action he proposes to take in response to same. [9052/06]
Enda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael)
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Question 88: To ask the Minister for Transport if he will publish the network service review carried out by Dublin Bus; the way in which he intends to proceed in relation to the recommendations of this review; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9118/06]
John Gormley (Dublin South East, Green Party)
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Question 115: To ask the Minister for Transport when a decision will be made on the application for funding made by Dublin Bus for the purchase of 200 new vehicles to serve the new bus corridors; when such buses would be delivered; and the multiannual funding support package available from the Government to support the purchase of new buses by Dublin Bus. [9210/06]
Jimmy Deenihan (Kerry North, Fine Gael)
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Question 122: To ask the Minister for Transport if he has received a proposal from Bus Éireann to expand its fleet; the details of this proposal; his response to same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9107/06]
Pádraic McCormack (Galway West, Fine Gael)
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Question 136: To ask the Minister for Transport when the funding to provide additional buses as requested by Dublin Bus will be provided to the company; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9105/06]
Olwyn Enright (Laois-Offaly, Fine Gael)
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Question 156: To ask the Minister for Transport when legislation to establish a new public transport commission will be published; the powers and functions of this commission; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9108/06]
Dan Boyle (Cork South Central, Green Party)
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Question 160: To ask the Minister for Transport if and the way in which he intends introducing new private bus operators into the Dublin Bus market; and the progress he has made in negotiations with transport unions in this regard. [9203/06]
Martin Cullen (Waterford, Fianna Fail)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 55, 58, 59, 88, 115, 122, 136, 156 and 160 together.
I am committed to the delivery of a high quality, effective public transport system and Transport 21 is testimony to this commitment. I am also committed to modernising the regulatory framework governing public transport, not only in Dublin but nationally. Specifically, at the launch of Transport 21 I stated I was convinced that we need a new approach to transport in the greater Dublin area, delivered through a single authority with the power to ensure joined up thinking and delivery across all transport modes.
In advancing the regulatory agenda discussions have taken place with the key stakeholders. These discussions form part of a process of engagement which will facilitate and inform the determination of the appropriate structure for the new framework and supporting legislation. This process will also be informed by the work of the team appointed to finalise the remit, structures and human resource requirements of the proposed Dublin transport authority. I will finalise my consideration of how best to proceed with public transport reform and the proposal for a public transport commission in light of the report from the team and I hope to be in a position to publish legislation on the matter in the current year.
Meanwhile, Dublin Bus submitted an application for funding to me on 20 January 2006 for additional fleet requirements for 2006 and 2007. In recent days, I also received an application for funding for additional buses from Bus Éireann. My Department is examining these applications in the context of Transport 21, the future bus needs of the Dublin area and provinces, the bus network review completed by Dublin Bus, which was forwarded to my Department on Thursday last, and the Bus Éireann development plan which my Department received late in 2005. I will make a decision on these applications when the respective assessments have been completed and having regard to the outcome of my deliberations on the reform of the bus market, which I intend to conclude in the coming weeks.
As regards the bus network review, I understand copies of the review, which the Department finally received last Thursday, are available from Dublin Bus.
Olivia Mitchell (Dublin South, Fine Gael)
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I and many other Deputies have been raising this matter for some time and on each occasion the Minister informs us he is engaged in talks with Dublin Bus, trade unions etc. Unlike the customers and commuters trying to travel to work every day whom the Minister is supposed to represent, he has a seat at the Cabinet table. He and his two immediate predecessors promised reform of the bus market and the introduction of a new regulatory framework which would allow an increase in the number of buses on the streets of Dublin. When will their promises materialise?
The Minister indicated he may have legislation published by the end of the year. The people of Dublin are screaming out for immediate liberalisation of the bus market. I had the misfortune to travel on the M50 this morning on my way to the National Roads Authority's road safety conference. It took me an hour and a quarter to travel four miles in the bedlam on the road. Those who must make this journey and the many others around Dublin who must make similar journeys are screaming out for buses. Where are the fleets of buses which could bring these drivers — most cars on the M50 have no passengers — to work every morning to the industrial estates and business parks along the M50? It is in the Minister's power to offer them relief, almost overnight, but time and again he has refused to do so. When will he reform the bus market?
Martin Cullen (Waterford, Fianna Fail)
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The Deputy and I are in agreement. My assessment is that Dublin needs a substantial number of new buses on routes and Transport 21 provides for a 60% expansion of the city's bus network. I received the bus network review for Dublin just last Thursday. This document is central to any action one might take in the Dublin area as one must know where the network is likely to grow. For several months I have, with some frustration, sought this core document.
In parallel, the drafting of proposals from Professor O'Mahony's establishment team for the Dublin transport authority is already under way. It is more than prudent to await this report because, as the Deputy will agree, all transport issues in Dublin need to come within the remit of a single body. Some of the issues to which the Deputy referred may well become the responsibility of the Dublin transport authority but I will wait until I receive the final report before making a decision.
Olivia Mitchell (Dublin South, Fine Gael)
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Legislation is first needed to reform the regulatory framework.