Dáil debates

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Gnó na Dála - Business of Dáil


2:05 am

Photo of Hildegarde NaughtonHildegarde Naughton (Galway West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Ceann Comhairle. It is proposed that the following arrangements shall apply in relation to the business to be taken today:

- the proceedings on the nominations for Taoiseach shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion after 45 minutes and the following arrangements shall apply thereto: - the allocation of time shall be as follows:
- speeches of a proposer and seconder ‒ 5 minutes each; and

- speeches by representatives of parties who have not made a nomination ‒ 7 minutes per party;

- if they have not made a nomination, speeches by representatives of the Independent and Parties Technical Group, and the Independent Technical Group – 7 minutes per group;

- Taoiseach – 10 minutes;
- members may share time; - on the determination of any nominations for Taoiseach, the Dáil shall, unless it otherwise orders, stand suspended for three hours;

- the proceedings on the approval of the nomination by the Taoiseach of other members of the Government shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion after 1 hour and 13 minutes and the following arrangements shall apply thereto:
- the order of speaking and allocation of time shall be as follows:

- speeches by Taoiseach and Tánaiste ‒ 15 minutes each;

- speeches by representatives of Sinn Féin – 15 minutes in total;

- speeches by representatives of the Labour Party and the Social Democrats ‒ 7 minutes per party;

- speeches by representatives of the Independent and Parties Technical Group, and the Independent Technical Group – 7 minutes per group; and
- members may share time; - the proceedings on the Motion re Establishment of Select Committee on Subsidiarity (European Union Legislative Scrutiny) shall be taken as the second-last item of business without debate and any division claimed thereon shall be taken immediately;

- the proceedings on the Motion re the Committee on Standing Orders and Dáil Reform shall be taken as the last item of business without debate, any division claimed thereon shall be taken immediately, and the Committee shall report on matters relating to the formation of technical groups in the 34th Dáil not later than Friday 31st January, 2025; and

- on the conclusion of the proceedings on the business outlined, the Dáil shall adjourn until 2 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th February, 2025.


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