Dáil debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht (Atógáil) - Questions on Policy or Legislation (Resumed)


12:55 pm

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I will certainly take up Deputy Daly's issue on the need for emergency accommodation in Kerry and his suggestion with the Minister for housing to revert to him directly on the matter.

I will ask the Minister of State, Deputy Butler, to look into the staffing of the CAMHS team and to respond to Deputy Mythen directly.

Deputy O'Dowd asked about the judgment in Belfast. I am aware of his ongoing interest in and work with families and victims' groups here. Obviously, we have only seen the judgment in Belfast in recent hours. It is a very long judgment, running to approximately 200 pages but it seems to be positive. The Government's position on this has been consistent and steadfast. We believe all families deserve justice and we want all families to get justice. We are very much aware of the judgment delivered in the High Court earlier. It is a long and detailed judgment in a case brought by a number of individuals whose route to truth and justice will be curtailed by the UK legacy Act. The Government will study the judgment carefully. Officials in the Department of Finance are in close contact with organisations assisting the plaintiffs. The Government's approach to legacy issues has been and remains that it must be victim centred and must be compliant with international human rights standards.


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