Dáil debates

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht (Atógáil) - Questions on Policy or Legislation (Resumed)


12:45 pm

Photo of Johnny MythenJohnny Mythen (Wexford, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

In a recent parliamentary question, I asked about the setting up of a promised new CAMHS team in County Wexford. I refer to the answer I received in the context of Deputy Ward's Bill to put the regulation of CAMHS on a statutory footing, which we will be voting on this legislation tonight.

The reply to the parliamentary question stated that the recruitment for the third CAMHS team in Wexford has been ongoing for some time. The candidate for the consultant psychiatric post withdrew their acceptance offer in autumn 2023. Another candidate withdrew their application in December 2023. That is nine months later and at present the post remains vacant. That is almost 21 months in total. As parents and everyone are aware, the CAMHS team cannot operate at full capacity without a consultant signing off on a diagnosis. The CAMHS team cannot put in place a proper plan for that child. I ask the Minister to intervene so that this critical post is filled without further delay.


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