Dáil debates
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation
1:10 pm
Bernard Durkan (Kildare North, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
In the past two years, I have had occasion to raise on numerous occasions the question of family law and its application in this country, and the manner in which it continues to separate children from their parents, fathers and mothers, more especially mothers, by way of the use of the parental alienation theory, which is not a law, just a theory. The abuse continues with obvious consequences for the children and the parents. Some parents have not seen their children for more than two or three years. What can be done to expedite procedures to deal with the issue?
Paul Anderson
Posted on 19 Jan 2024 3:54 pm (Report this comment)
Bernard thank you again for highlighting that REAL Parental Alienation and False Allegations of it need to be addressed.
Maybe you can find out how your government are progressing in its implementation of Parental Alienation policy (six recommendations plus overarching Family Justices reforms0
Paul Anderson
Posted on 19 Jan 2024 3:51 pm (Report this comment)
Is Bernard very mixed up?
I know mothers and fathers who have unjustifiably not seen their children for 1 to 15 years because of Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation is where "a child becomes estranged from a parent as a result of the psychological manipulation of the other parent, or;
situations where one parent is wrongfully influencing their child or children against the other parent."https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/5c5c5-parental-alienation/
This is according to his own government compreensive finding.
Is Bernard now advocating against this research (theory justlike all forms abuse are) where a Judge finds a mother or father guilty of this psychological abuse that the abuser is innocent? REALLY?