Dáil debates
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Air Quality
9:42 am
Ossian Smyth (Dún Laoghaire, Green Party) | Oireachtas source
Overall, we have approximately 1,410 premature deaths from poor air quality or air pollution. It is a terrible problem. It is estimated by the European Environment Agency that 100 of those premature deaths are related to transport emissions rather than solid fuel. However, they are localised. As the Deputy mentioned, many of them are localised in his constituency.
The Deputy asked for the fastest or most immediate things we can do. I think the pedestrianisation of Capel Street must have had a dramatic effect. There has been air monitoring of that and I am keen to see the results. I would like to see the before and after.
The Deputy also mentioned low-emission zones. This is a proposal from Dublin City Council, as I understand. I am happy to go back to it. I think Mr. Liam Bergin is the point person on that. I am happy to talk to the Deputy about that or meet the council with the Deputy if he wishes.
There has been a reallocation of road space towards cycling and walking. The use of electric taxis and buses is particularly worthy of mention. The Deputy mentioned that the grants towards electric vehicles can be inequitable. The electrification of our bus and taxi fleets is critical because those vehicles do huge mileage in the city centre where lots of people are breathing in the air. We are ordering 800 double-decker electric vehicles. We are seeing more electric taxis on the street. The grants of between €20,000 and €30,000 are having an effect. Those measures will have direct effects. The crossroads at Phibsborough is choked with traffic. One can see that it is having an effect on air pollution. It also affects quality of life through noise pollution and through the fear that one might get run over in such heavy traffic. Clearly, we need to change going into the future. We can look at other cities and see formerly incredibly congested junctions that have changed to a more human-focused, healthier and happier pattern. That is going to happen here, based on sustainable transport policies.
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