Dáil debates
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Air Quality
9:42 am
Gary Gannon (Dublin Central, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source
I thank the Minister of State for his comprehensive response. I do not doubt for a second how close the issue is to his heart. The issue is also close to my heart and the hearts of the people in my constituency of Dublin Central who seem to be disproportionately impacted by it. Inner-city communities are, by their very nature, areas that are going to be disproportionately impacted by a multitude of different issues. One that is very hard to separate ourselves from is an inequality of clean air. That is very much what were talking about in Phibsborough, around Seán McDermott Street, along the quays, into East Wall and around Sheriff Street. This problem is having consequences for the health of the population in my constituency. I fully appreciate the Minister of State's commitment to the issue.
A couple of suggestions have been made over the last number of years. In 2019, the then Dublin City Council acting executive manager talked about the potential for low-emission zones around our areas. Has any consideration been given to such a suggestion? I know it comes with complications, particularly regarding the inequity of the people can afford electric vehicles and those who cannot. That needs to be dealt with if that consideration is to be advanced. What practical measures can we take that we can introduce quickly? This problem is having significant impacts. Is there potential for air quality management plans to be advanced by local authorities, along the lines of that drawn up in Dublin 8? I ask that a similar plan be advanced in Dublin 7 and Dublin 1, if possible. It is coming to the point where we need this type of action. I ask the Minister of State to provide some tangible actions that we can advance quite quickly.
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