Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

Defence Forces Reorganisation

3:30 pm

Photo of Alan ShatterAlan Shatter (Dublin South, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The Department of Defence has civil and military elements, with Defence Forces headquarters being the military element. The Chief of Staff who is head of Defence Forces headquarters is my principal military adviser, while the Secretary General of the Department of Defence is my principal defence policy adviser. Military command is vested directly in the general officers commanding Army brigades, the Defence Forces training centre, the Air Corps and the flag officer commanding the Naval Service. However, for matters relating to the overall management of the Defence Forces, including organisation of the Defence Forces, the Chief of Staff is the appropriate source of military advice. The decision to undertake a major reorganisation of the Defence Forces within a two brigade structure was progressed within this well established overall management framework.

Following my decision to initiate a major reorganisation of the Defence Forces, encompassing the consolidation of three under-strength Army brigades into two full strength brigades, I tasked the Secretary General and the Chief of Staff with developing detailed proposals for my consideration. A joint civil-military group was established to progress this work and I understand there was broad consultation within the military organisation in this regard. This shaped the final proposals. In addition, the strategic management committee provided a forum for discussing the work of the group.

Final proposals for the reorganisation of the Permanent Defence Force, agreed between the Chief of Staff and the Secretary General, were forwarded for my consideration in July 2012 and I accepted them in full. I also accepted further proposals for the reorganisation of the Reserve Defence Force following the completion of a value for money review in November 2012.

I am satisfied that the reorganisation has maintained the operational capacity of the Defence Forces to the greatest extent possible within the available resource envelope. It has allowed the Permanent Defence Force to continue to fulfil all roles assigned to it. This remains a key focus and I will continue to work closely with the Chief of Staff and the Secretary General in that regard.


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