Dáil debates
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Single Payment Scheme Payments
9:50 am
Simon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
It is important to send some very clear messages to farmers. First, we are not asking for any retrospective payments from farmers who have had a big problem. The only payments we decided we would try to reclaim retrospectively this year, in an effort to try to solve the problem, are from some farmers whose ineligible land amounted to less than 3% of their holding. The average farmer in this category has a single farm payment of well over €11,000 and the retrospective payment, in total, is well under €400. Any of the farmers who have a significant problem with ineligible land that comprises more than 3% of their farm will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis next year. If we must put in place longer-term repayment schedules for farmers, we will do so.
I assure the Deputy that we are trying to work through this in as farmer-friendly a way as possible. Anybody who believes we will just put our head in the sand and ignore this issue, thus resulting in the imposition of significant fines and disallowances by the Commission, either does not understand the issue or is kidding himself. The proof of this is in other countries. We have worked with farm organisations on this in some detail. The vast majority of farmers are not affected at all. The percentage of those with a real issue is very much in single figures, and significantly fewer than 1% have a significant issue.
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