Dáil debates
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Single Payment Scheme Payments
9:50 am
Tom Fleming (Kerry South, Independent) | Oireachtas source
It is totally unacceptable that the Department is now claiming retrospectively on lands that were approved as far back as 2008. What occurred was all done in good faith and on the basis of a good understanding between farmers and farm inspectors. We all know of the very challenging times farmers have experienced in recent years, particularly in the past three because of the weather conditions. What is occurring is imposing further hardship on farmers.
There is mixed land affected, particularly in the south west, which, being next to the western seaboard, bears the brunt of the bad weather coming in from the Atlantic. The mountain terrain breaks the cloud. The Minister will have to examine this seriously and review the penalties being imposed on farmers. They are trying to keep scrub off their land and wipe out the rushes, which is impossible. In many cases, the farmers have receipts. Where they have proof of charges and payments to contractors, it should be taken into account.
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