Dáil debates

Thursday, 20 October 2011


Services for People with Disabilities

4:00 pm

Photo of Róisín ShortallRóisín Shortall (Dublin North West, Labour)

I assure the Deputy that all Ministers in the Department of Health are battling hard to ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, we can protect the health budgets in difficult circumstances. There is an attempt to ring-fence several critical areas within the health sector and that work is underway at the moment. I am conscious that St. Michael's House has experienced severe cuts in the past three years. Its base figure is especially low and we are conscious of this, as is the Minister of State, Deputy Lynch. We are working hard to ensure that these critical areas are protected in the budgetary context. St. Michael's House has been in touch with me, as a northside representative, seeking a meeting and I realise Deputy Broughan raised this matter with me only last week. I am pleased to liaise with Deputy Broughan to set up an early meeting with St. Michael's House. I am happy to meet them and I am aware of the excellent work they do in the area. I assure Deputy Broughan of my determination and that of the Minister of State, Deputy Lynch, to support this work to the greatest extent possible. I thank Deputy Broughan for raising this important issue.


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