Dáil debates

Thursday, 20 October 2011


Services for People with Disabilities

4:00 pm

Photo of Tommy BroughanTommy Broughan (Dublin North East, Labour)

I agree that the delivery of front line services must be the absolute priority. I wish the Minister of State well in the comprehensive review of expenditure and hope she will do battle for us on the north side and for St. Michael's House and similar organisations. I wish her success in that regard.

Last year, the then Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children, former Deputy John Moloney, issued a directive that funding for mental health services and children with an intellectual disability should be ring-fenced and not cut by more than 1.8%. Had the then Government survived, this commitment would have had to have been honoured. Does the ring-fence still exist? Are we still committed to the figure in question? This is first and foremost an issue for the Minister of State, Deputy Kathleen Lynch.

I understand the Minister of State, Deputy Kathleen Lynch, has met the leadership and board of St. Michael's House. Has the Minister of State, Deputy Lynch, made a response to the organisation or will she do so? Does she plan to meet them again in the final days coming up to the expenditure review?

As the Minister of State is aware I have had first-hand experience of the work of St. Michael's House and other fantastic providers such as the St. John of God services and the desperate struggle that took place to build the current level of services. I impress on the Minister of State that the parents in their 70s, 80s and beyond are the first generation of Irish people to have cared properly for people with intellectual disability. They made great sacrifices to create the St. John of God and St. Michael's House network and this generation and this Government has an obligation not to drop the ball. I urge the Minister of State to go in with her colleague, the Minister of State, Deputy Kathleen Lynch, and the Minister, Deputy James Reilly, and do battle for us and secure no cuts for this great organisation.


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