Dáil debates

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

3:00 am

Photo of Charles FlanaganCharles Flanagan (Laois-Offaly, Fine Gael)

What does the Minister of State mean by "shortly"? Very little progress has been made on this matter since his announcement in June this year. I remind him that in what was one of the most euphemistic statements of the year, he adverted to clear defects within the child care system. I should have thought that this might have acted as an alarm bell in the Minister of State's office, to ensure that this appointment was made as a matter of urgency.

I ask him as again what he means by "shortly". He should by now be in a position to put a timeframe on it. Will he expand on the role and function of such an appointee, and will he confirm that it is to be someone from overseas?


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