Dáil debates
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Child Care Services
3:00 am
Barry Andrews (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)
In the course of discussions with the HSE in June 2010, I raised the need for the appointment of an individual at national director level who has a proven track record to lead the reform of children and family services. I envisaged that this appointment would be for a time limited period of approximately two years. Following those discussions, I briefed my Cabinet colleagues on the initiative and drew the parallel between the role that Professor Tom Keane played very successfully in cancer care and the new role that I envisage in respect of children and family services. The HSE has been very receptive to the proposal and is committed to sourcing and appointing a person who would have the authority to deliver on the wide and ambitious reform programme in this area.
The creation of this new position is a reflection of the priority which I and the HSE attach to improving children and family services. Specifically, the post has been established to lead organisational and cultural change in children and family services in the HSE. The post holder will lead structural, information and managerial changes in the delivery of a clear service model that focuses on best outcomes for families and children. The post holder will set standards to ensure services are fit for purpose, provide a safe and high quality child protection service and are consistent with statutory obligations.
The recruitment process for the new national director of children and family services is well underway. The HSE hope to be in a position to make an announcement regarding the appointment shortly. It is envisaged that the appointee will report directly to the chief executive of the HSE and to the board.
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