Dáil debates

Thursday, 5 March 2009


Employment Support Services.

3:00 pm

Photo of Mary HanafinMary Hanafin (Dún Laoghaire, Fianna Fail)

These turf war arguments go on between Departments, but the important point is that there is good co-operation among them, whether it be through the partnerships or through the LES. The Deputy is correct in saying that a myriad of bodies provide such services. The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs has a responsibility for a number of them as well. There is good co-operation among the various groups and it is important that continues.

FÁS has upped its game significantly in terms of the number of people who are now being called. We need to recognise that. Thousands of additional places have been created this year to ensure that people are called after the three month period and that as many people as possible are facilitated. Some 60,260 were referred last year and of those 40,000 were interviewed but the other 20,000 disappeared off the live register. The calling of people for interview is a good control element in that it can be established if a person got a job the previous week or whatever.


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