Dáil debates

Thursday, 15 February 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of John O'DonoghueJohn O'Donoghue (Kerry South, Fianna Fail)

The Exploration Station, which is sometimes known as the national children's museum and was unveiled by the Taoiseach, does not come under the ambit of my Department but the aegis of the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. I have undertaken to provide up to 39% of its current funding requirements. This commitment is dependent upon me being satisfied that the venture is properly grounded in the commercial reality, that provision is made to ensure the socially disadvantaged have access to the facility, and that a robust business model is prepared. I authorised my Department to provide €150,000 to the establishment of the station in 2006 and increased this funding to €250,000 in 2007.

I envisage that the Exploration Station will be completed within the next year or two. However, I do not have a precise timeframe and I will request the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment to communicate the precise timeframe — if he has it — to the Deputy. While children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, will form the main focus of the initiative, it will be of interest to people of all ages.


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