Dáil debates

Thursday, 15 February 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Jack WallJack Wall (Kildare South, Labour)

The children's museum is of major significance to many schools not only in the Dublin area, but throughout the country, whose pupils come to the city for school tours. When will the project be completed? We have all the other museums, art centres, etc, but I am not aware of any other museums that contribute to developing a child's mind in such a way. What funding does the national development plan commit to the museum? Is it to be a public private partnership? Is the site mentioned the best one for it or would it be better placed in the Parnell Square development that Dublin City Council is to make into a civic and arts centre? After the development of O'Connell Street, this area needs an injection of funding and it has some wonderful buildings. Is the site proposed for it now written in stone?


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