Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

11:00 am

Photo of Pat RabbittePat Rabbitte (Dublin South West, Labour)

Regarding the Taoiseach's meeting with President Mubarak in particular, did he discuss the Palestinian question with him? President Mubarak is on record as saying that he fully supports the position of Palestinian President Abbas for the negotiation of a government of national unity. Since then, the Taoiseach will know that matters have severely deteriorated. There is a state of virtual civil war between Hamas and Fatah. Has the Taoiseach had any contact with President Mubarak since then?

It was the understanding of us all at the time of the invasion of Iraq that the United States and Britain were to take steps to address the Palestinian situation, which most people see as the main cause of the instability in the Middle East. Have these efforts been abandoned and does the Government have a view, either at EU or UN level, as regards taking any initiative in this regard? Did the Taoiseach discuss the invasion of Iraq with President Mubarak? Does he support President Mubarak's statement during his visit to Ireland that there now ought to be "a phased withdrawal of US and other foreign troops from Iraq"? What is the Government's position now on that issue?

During his meeting in Saudi Arabia, did he raise with the Saudi leaders the shocking human rights situation in that country? In particular, did he raise what Amnesty International has described as "discriminatory practices against women" which are "not only prevalent" but in some cases "required by law"?

In the aftermath of the summit, is the Taoiseach able to give the House any more information on what is the position now in relation to the draft treaty? Are we any further advanced and does the Government have any clarity in respect of its intentions in that regard?


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