Dáil debates

Thursday, 18 May 2006

4:00 pm

Photo of Mary CoughlanMary Coughlan (Donegal South West, Fianna Fail)

As I indicated, the issue of indexation is a principle that is not accepted by the Commission. However, a new scheme will be introduced. The decision on the scheme's emphasis will be based on the outcome of the partnership negotiations and overall funding for the rural development package. There are concerns about the issue of the clawback. There were cases where some farmers may not have advised the Department that they had an entitlement to a State pension. That is now being dealt with in that the two Departments communicate with each other on the matter. There was an issue with the data protection officer who indicated that direct access between the two Departments' computer systems was not allowed. On the basis of the application, we are in a position to ensure the administrative difficulty is addressed.

Several years ago when the scheme was introduced, the State pension was much lower. Now, thanks to this good Government, the State pension is at a high level. The difference between the two pensions has been reduced and there is no enticement to enter the scheme.


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