Dáil debates
Thursday, 18 May 2006
Farm Retirement Scheme.
4:00 pm
Denis Naughten (Longford-Roscommon, Fine Gael)
The huge frustration that exists is mainly due to the fact that it has not been index linked. It has not kept pace with inflation or with the social welfare increases in recent years. The differential at present is quite marginal. Is it possible to ensure any future scheme will be linked to social welfare payment increases? Is there a mechanism that can increase the rate of pension available to people under the farm retirement scheme?
The clawback is causing much frustration for farmers. Those in receipt of the early retirement scheme pension were subsequently deemed eligible for a State pension. However, in some cases the farmer did not inform the Department of Agriculture and Food and the payments had to be clawbacked. In one instance in the Cavan-Monaghan constituency, an individual has received a bill for €35,000. Will the Minister address the issue?
There are several tax-related anomalies in the system regarding the long-term lease of stamp duty, the agricultural relief for the retired person, once the ten years are over, tax affairs and forestry grants. Will some of the anomalies be addressed to encourage participation in the scheme or any future scheme?
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