Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 December 2005

10:30 am

Photo of Pat RabbittePat Rabbitte (Dublin South West, Labour)

Is it intended at any stage to review the efficacy of the Act, how it is functioning and so forth? Does the Taoiseach think, for example, the requirement that every official document be published in both languages is the best use of public money to stimulate greater use of the Irish language? Apart from the cost for every organisation producing a bilingual report, the amount of hours that goes into doing so is considerable. Is that the best use of money or would a similar bequest to TG4 produce a better response from the public? How many Members of this House read the English or Irish version of the documents that land on our desks? If we do not read them in this House, how many people outside read them? I wonder if there is any consideration——


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