Dáil debates

Wednesday, 22 June 2005

Garda Síochána Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Report Stage.


5:00 pm

Photo of Jim O'KeeffeJim O'Keeffe (Cork South West, Fine Gael)

I fully support the change of name from "volunteer" to "reservist", which is a wise acceptance of the points that were raised on Committee Stage. I am still somewhat unclear, however, about the powers and immunities of a reserve member. I am also unclear as to whether, under the new dispensation, the prescription by the Garda Commissioner must have the approval of the Minister. My starting point was that I did not believe reserve members should have the same powers, immunities, privileges and duties as fully trained gardaí. I did not want a reserve member to have, for instance, full powers of arrest.

I note the Minister is now providing that the Garda Commissioner may determine the range of powers to be exercised and duties to be carried out by reserve members. That seems reasonable but I have not had sufficient opportunity to tease this matter out. Is there any question of the Minister having any input into the range of powers to be exercised and duties to be carried out by reserve members? Is it to be done with the Minister's consent? We should clarify that issue.

When a reserve member is carrying out those powers — as prescribed by the Commissioner, if this new amendment goes through — will he or she have the same immunities as an ordinary member of the Garda Síochána? Can the Minister tease out those points? In a way, we are almost on Committee Stage here because there has been a change which I find mostly desirable and of which I approve. However, I would like to clarify those issues before giving the matter my blessing.


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