Dáil debates

Wednesday, 9 February 2005


Social and Affordable Housing.

1:00 pm

Photo of Noel AhernNoel Ahern (Dublin North West, Fianna Fail)

I welcome the publication of the NESC report. The report provides an important analysis of the Irish housing system and an agenda for the future development of policy. Importantly, the report recognises that the general thrust of existing policy is well directed. The Government is already examining the issues raised in the report and will consider whatever changes are required to better focus its efforts.

The Government has successfully promoted a range of measures to provide additional social housing in recent years and it is committed to maintaining strong programmes of social and affordable housing provision into the future. Five year action plans for social and affordable housing have been developed by local authorities which will ensure that the resources available are used to best effect to make a real impact in response to the particular needs of the area. This will allow for the planning of activity for local authority own build, Part V arrangements and output by the voluntary and co-operative housing sector.

Additional resources are being made available this year to further increase the output of social housing. As a result, we expect that approximately 5,500 new houses will be started under the main local authority programme and that the output of the voluntary and co-operative housing sector will also increase. In total, my Department will spend a record €1.3 billion in Exchequer funding on supports for social and affordable housing in 2005. This will enable the needs of more than 13,000 households to be met this year through existing schemes and the new rent accommodation scheme will address the long-term housing needs of about 5,000 current recipients of rent supplement.


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