Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Implementation of Sláintecare Reforms: Department of Health and HSE

Mr. Liam Woods:

It is a potential worry for the future rather than a reality right now but we have engaged with the voluntary sector as to how to rationalise and remove some bureaucracy from the process of service arrangements with the HSE. We are looking both within the six regions and, where relevant, across regions. We are looking at having a single arrangement that includes schedules for each of the relevant services and subservices. We hope that will ease bureaucracy rather than grow it. That is a strong view expressed to us by all voluntary bodies. We meet the nine representative groups for the voluntary sector quite frequently and they make that point. We have also been working on renegotiating or redetermining the service arrangements with the voluntary sector separately. Those two pieces of work are ongoing.