Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Implementation of Sláintecare Reforms: Department of Health and HSE

Photo of Martin ConwayMartin Conway (Fine Gael)
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My final question relates to the second 96-bed unit for which commissioning works have already begun.

There is a date of 2028 and a second date of 2027 for when this will be completed. I believe there is also a discussion within the HSE, where HSE health regions and the team down there want to go ahead with the building of the second 96-bed unit but they are being told it has to go out to tender. In my book, this is an emergency and needs to happen now. In my book, if there is a team on the ground who are prepared to build the second 96-bed unit, there has to be some way to circumvent tendering.