Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

EU Regulations and Directive on International Protection, Asylum and Migration: Discussion (Resumed)

Ms Fiona Hurley:

We have a particular concern, and share Mr. O'Neill's concerns, about the facilities at the borders. If you are required to reside in one place and you are not allowed to leave it or enter the territory of the member state, that is de facto detention. We may not call it detention for the purposes of these regulations but that is, in effect, what it will be. We are really concerned about how people residing in those facilities will engage with services in the wider community. That could be somebody seeking help with medical issues that are not caught initially but not feeling safe saying it to someone at a facility. We often find people are reluctant to disclose details about themselves to people they perceive as being agents of the state. They are much more comfortable doing that with an NGO or an external service provider. That could be a health issue, a domestic, sexual or gender-based violence issue or disclosing they are a victim of torture. These are all things we are quite concerned about in the context of people's ability to access services outside those facilities.