Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Ireland's Climate Change Assessment Report: Discussion

11:00 am

Photo of Darren O'RourkeDarren O'Rourke (Meath East, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I thank the witnesses for their engagement with the committee. I am interested in their reflections on the climate action ecosystem, of which they are an essential element. For us here in the Oireachtas, we have had the climate legislation, we have been finding our way through the process of carbon budgets and sectoral emission ceilings, and we have been holding Departments to account in that regard. A whole new architecture has been built up that involves a number of pillars, including the witnesses in the research sector, the political institutions, civic society, the media, business and the general public. Will the witnesses comment on their experience of the changes in recent years? What do they see as potential opportunities and areas needing improvement?

The important work we are discussing today is a case in point. How did it come about and will it be repeated in the future? Is it now a standing feature of the climate action environment in Ireland? I am interested in our guests' perspective on that.

My third question touches on a number of points that have already been made. Professor Daly stated in her opening remarks:

Prioritisation of well-being and equity in development and climate policy could bolster the democratic social contract in support of transformation, including improved quality of life, decent work and the value of care.

This relates to the principles of just transition, equity and fairness in policy. Instinctively, my sense is that this approach is not only really important in policy terms and the fair and proper thing to do, but it also is a really effective tool to beat down the arguments of vested interests and those who, for whatever reason, are in opposition to what we are trying to do. I agree with the statement but I wonder whether there a research basis for it or room for further investigation.